Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today's political climate and actions are really scary to me. It's times like this that I wish I could express myself better and have some impact on change. I'll have to let it up to the professional commentators and then vote to hopefully change things.
I'm not so sure anymore that one man one vote can have any effect for change. With the Electoral College and big political machines at work; is there really any chance for the one man one vote?
I believe that in the last 40 years that Academia with it's lack of common sense and radical liberal teachings has ruined many of normal clear thinking people. I believe that many of the professors are perverse and outcasts of regular society to the point that they have a hatred of normal society and find any and all reasons to rebel against the norms of our countries traditional values. They push ideals that have and always will be against what a normal common sense mind knows to be right.
When as a society we pushed these types of people into lower paying teaching jobs and political jobs, because we did not want to associate with them in normal industrial production jobs, we didn't realize the harm that they could do. Since our country has changed from a heavy industrial nation to more of a technical and academic society THEY now have too much influence and power.
Some way or another we have to elect people to government that have not been over educated and lost their common sense. We have to lobby and protest to have professors and teachers hired that do not promote and preach anarchy, and teach values that are against or core values.
I realize even as writing this that I sound like a right winger, but if so I am in order to try to create a balance. The whole American thing is to have balance.
Too conservative is corrupting and too liberal is also corrupting. I believe that this was a quote by Gertrude Stein. Where are the free thinkers of this age? And when did free thinker become someone who thinks the opposite of what is known to be correct and good?
OK so now I vented some and I feel better, but I still have the desire to do more, for I feel that evil is being said to be good and good is being said to be evil. This has to be addressed.

1 comment:

Sarj Bloom said...

Thanks for the comment. I don't believe I had anything to say critical of India. Fine peoples and great nation.l
Correction on the quote I attributed to Gertrude Stein...actually it was Gertrude Himmelfarb that said "Liberals have learned at a fearful cost, the lesson that absolute power corrupts absolutely. They have yet to learn that absolute liberality corrupts absolutely.