Saturday, November 14, 2009


Have you noticed that the administration and liberal democratic controlled Congress is pushing fast and hard to get their liberal agenda? The health care bill, the trail of terrorist in our courts, and many other often hidden items show their purpose and I believe they are doing it fast before anyone can react...knowing that there will be a reaction. Even their posture on the Ft. Hood terrorist. Of all the things discussed about him there was no mention of the Honor of the uniform. To me there has always been an honor to the uniform and anyone that was against Us or did not believe in the oath we take to have the privelge to wear the uniform should not be allowed to serve and wear the uniform. This should have been the guide for all those officers who was suppose to review this man's speeches and actions. Is this another case of Liberalism invading the armed service? Has the power of political correctness become a part of the armed services too? I think it has. God help us ...Please.

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