Monday, October 19, 2009

Losing eye sight


Age-Related Macular Degeneration Is something I am dealing with and trying to starve it off as long as I can. Here's a site to explain what is happening to me. Eye Institute The Photo on the bottom is similar to the vision I have in my left eye, but I also had a torn retina back in the 60's My right is has a few blind spots that act like distortions and makes it hard to read. It's frustrating to say the least but I am thankful for the vision I do have and now with both cataracts taken off I feel pretty good. I take good eye vitamins and now try to wear my glasses all the time to protect my eyes from UV which is said to promote the ARMD. Smoking all those year ago (I quit 20 years ago) did a lot of damage also. It seems that smoking is link to the disease.

Well the point I want to make here is although I can not spell very good, thank God for spell check and I miss things because of the bad vision , I still want to write and express myself. To have a passion to write or anything for that matter and to not go for it is wrong. Limited as I may be in grammar etc. I won't let that stop me from the desire to communicate. Many of you that know me know also I like to talk. I don't think that I have to rule the whole conversation and in fact I think I am a pretty good listener. Well maybe a fair listener. So here I am writing and sharing and venting. I hope that some of what I shared here about eye health will help someone and maybe encourage someone to have their eyes checked. It's a wonderful colorful world out there that God has created and more and more I stop and stare at the trees, animals, clouds. and people at how wonderful and marvelous they are all created.

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