Monday, October 19, 2009

Fox News and the Administration

Fox News and the Administration is in the news lately and has been a subject for quite a while. I don't know if it's just me
,but this is so out of place in America that it is hard for me think that it is actually happening. Isn't it scary when the President
tries to influence other news outlets and the people against one news organization just because it challenges him and his
policies? When or where in American history has a President or Administration gone so far out as to try to censor a single
news corporation? This is the tactic of dictators and the like and has happened in countries we all can recall from history.
I am counting this as one of the signs that often leads to loss of freedoms and the government doing everything for you
including thinking. If this doesn't alarm you, well then maybe I am just over reacting. This is me and this is the way I see it

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