Friday, September 21, 2012

Ever since the late 1960's there has been a new form of slavery. A lot of people saw what was happening and knew it was wrong, but had no idea how to change it. Fathers were encouraged to leave their home and family so there income would not count against the household income there by reducing or eliminating the benefits to help the family from starving. this is truly stupid and not the way of this country.

The solution was just as ignorant. To solve further help people we extended this policy to early SS retirement SSI Disability benefits etc. On and on it goes the Gov decides to get these folks off the welfare and entitlement pro grans is to penalize them if they would seek any lefitmete employment by reducing there benefits or even disqualifying them.

This is counter productive to the effort to help people and have people enter the job market. I am sure that the large amount of folks in this bondage of the Gov programs would snap at the chance to make some extra cast legally and not lose their benefits or have them reduced. Think about it. If these people took a part time job or a full time job we have people working and paying taxes (with holding any way). And isn't this the idea anyway? No one can be comfortable on what the Gov gives them. They can barely survive  on what they get.

You have to realize that these payment will be paid to these people in need for a very long time and by removing the restrictions to the amount of money they can earn would be an incentive and release from bondage. They may not realize they are in bondage but once the taste freedom they will discover  how good it be free. This not on COMPASSIONATE but realistic and good for JOBS.

I purpose that we end all restrictions and penalties that would prohibit anyone from working. the foks in this condition would not be taxed on their benefits and would not be taken off the rolls of Medicaid or other programs. Taxes if any would be on the amount of income the earn form regular employment . How long would they stay on the rolls under this plan?  Keeping their benefits would be subject only to a percentage earned over and above the poverty level. No one is going to get rich on this plan, but there could be some that find regular employment very rewarding and gain so much that they are lifted far above the poverty level.

I think it would even be more incentive if the benefits would still be secure up until the level of income is twice that of the poverty level. These folks are not leaving the only security they hve so why  not give them a chance to better their lives. There is nothing lost here it is a VIN WIN for all.

 This is Compassionate Conservatism at it's best. Face it if something like this is not done the whole system goes on like it is and that is Slavery. Let the people go. 

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