Monday, July 29, 2013


KISS (keep it simple stupid)
COMMON SENSE.  Two things there are not enough of in this day and age.
Academia with all their liberal bias will never be able to solve any problems, and will only create more problems. It is the liberals that have gotten us into this welfare state and they can only make it worse, because any solution will lack a KISS formula and they have already discredited common sense as common and therefore only for children and fools.

I have tried to explain my method for improving people to become upward mobile and to promote their self worth. Now I will try again.

There is no way the Gov can penalize those who are receiving benefits, of any kind, by taking away the benefits or a portion of them if they desire to make more money by working any job that is legal and on the tax rolls. The benefits will be paid to this person the rest of their days anyway so why not incentivize them by letting them keep the benefits as sort of a base income and the extra money earned will be taxed at the regular rate. Their bas income, welfare food stamps or what ever, will not be subject to taxes.

This plan will take at least one generation to prove it's self and with the added revenue received by the Gov it will offset the payout a little. Remember the people receiving the help would be paid the rest of their lives anyway.

When and how the benefits would be reduced would have to be figured out after at least a 20 to 30 trail of the process.

When I retired early I was told that I could only make so much money per month or I would have a deduction made to my monthly payment. At the time and even now I thought this was the stupidest thing I had ever heard of. They were telling me if I made more money I would lose my SS that I had paid into all my life and it was mine.

I can understand the mind set of people who need help and qualify for assistance. It becomes their life's security just like my SS does for me. Social Security, stop and think about this....Security. No matter what you think about people receiving this assistance you must realize; firs of all they qualified and secondly they are dependent upon this money. You can not threaten to diminish or take this away as long as their base problem is still there. By base problem I mean health, disability, poverty level dependents etc.
And most certainly can not discourage them from seeking regular employment which would help produce money for them and revenue for the Gov.

Maybe the single mother household where the father stays away in order to maintain the social income help will now come home where nether persons assistance income will be counted against them. They can then become upward mobile.

One more point to think about, a portion of those people on the Gov rolls cannot live on this amount anyway so they work for cash "under the table" and by doing this the Gov loses two sources of revenue.

I'm certainly not a writer, but maybe someone with some talent in that can take ahold of this idea and promote it in such a way that it catches some attention. I really do think it has maerit.

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